28 September 2009

AD Reiswereld - Istanbul aan je voeten (379495)

An Armada news in a journal from the Netherland:

AD Reiswereld - Istanbul aan je voeten
Dolfijnen en minaretten
Een etentje op het dakterras van het Armada Hotel is een afspraak met de geschiedenis. Het leunt tegen de stadswallen aan en ligt in de schaduw van de Blauwe Moskee en de Aya Sofia. Aan de overzijde ligt de Zee van Marmara, met de Prinseneilanden en de monumenten op de Aziatische oever. Met een beetje geluk zie je dolfijnen duikelen in het water. ’s Avonds zijn de monumenten prachtig verlicht. Op het terras worden Turkse gerechten geserveerd, en de traditionele Turkse muziek benadrukt het tijdloze karakter van de zaak. Elke dag open van mei tot oktober, vanaf 8 uur ’s ochtends."

13 September 2009

The 11st International İstanbul Biennial

Organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts the 11th International İstanbul Biennial will turn the city of Istanbul into a platform for art between September 12 - November 8, capturing the attention of art circles all around the world.

The 11th International İstanbul Biennial will be curated by the curator collective WHW / What, How & For Whom, which has been operating from the city of Zagreb, Croatia, since 1999. WHW consists of four female curators: Ivet Ćurlin, Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić and Sabina Sabolović.

The 11th İstanbul Biennial takes its thematic title “What Keeps Mankind Alive?” from the closing song of the 2nd act of the 1928 play Threepenny Opera, written by Bertolt Brecht, Elisabeth Hauptmann and Kurt Weill.

The conceptual framework that WHW uses for the 11th International İstanbul Biennial is articulated around the idea of “What Keeps Mankind Alive?” However, this framework does not aim to re-discover Brecht, or to present him as a classic for new generations. Rather, the conceptual framework of the İstanbul Biennial proposes to begin re-thinking the past in terms of what has been lost in history. Moreover, it invites us to consider how art today harbours new potential in articulating the age-old relationship between art for social change and aesthetic gestures.

The İstanbul Biennial of IKSV is the activity that has brought the foundation widest international acclaim from art circles all around the world. This year’s Biennial hosts 70 already renowned or recently discovered artists from 40 different countries, exhibiting a total of more than 120 projects.

For more info: İKSV