30 April 2004

International Dance Day Celebration

Being one of the Armada traditions, The International Dance Day was celebrated at the Armada on April 29th, 2004 with the participation of tango, milonga, salsa groups...

On the other hand, the documentary by Gunes Karabuda; The Story of Tango which was taken in Argentina, La Boca was also played...

Below, a shot from the Dance Day celebration; Ms. Seval Ugur Mutlu reading the UNESCO's 2004 Dance day Message:

Seval Uğur Mutlu... (Below the opening dance with Ümit İris)

A couple from the Salsa group at the Lobby...

This year the following UNESCO message was read:

Year 2004 - International Dance Day Message By Stephen PAGE

Dance is the original most ancient form of human expression. Through the body and physical language, dance has a powerful connection with the emotional and spiritual worlds. In traditional Aboriginal culture, dance is the core, like a kind of sacred medicine. Dance is grounded, connected to the spirit of Mother Earth. Unless you surrender to the dance you can't hunt quietly. It is an integral part of human existence. When I create a new dance work I ask the dancers to swallow and digest the traditional seed, to sense the innate code within so that we can transform the traditional essence to the contemporary world. Dance is the universal language. It represents human identity and a celebration of the human spirit. Dance is the artistic heart of kinship. It is a sacred universal remedy.
