21 August 2002

A Family from Missisippi at the ARMADA

A turtle family (*) from Missisippi which settled in the Marble Poll in the Lobby of the Armada is attracting everyone´s attention. At the beginning when they first came three years ago they were only two but now they are 19 of them!

They also inspire artists such as Wolinski!

The world-reknown French cartoonist George Wolinski who stayed in Armada drew a cartoon and stated how he sees the Armada Hotel! The original of the cartoon is being exhibited in the Lobby of the Armada nearby the Marble Pool in which this turtle family has been living...

The Lobby...

The Red-eared Sliders...

"I wish I could be a turtle in the Armada!"... Wolinski- (The original of the cartoon in the Armada note-book...)

(*) “Trachemys scripta elegans”
http://www.tortoise.org/gallery/picred.html and

Healty Menus on Armada Terrace

Within the last two months of the summer, the guests of the Armada Terrace will enjoy new tastes of Istanbul while they enjoy the views of the historical peninsula…

The Armada Hotel prepared a new menu for the 2002 summer along with the well known beauties of the Terrace which makes not only the foreign visitors but also the Istanbul citizens admired to itself. Some of the new meals are "pastry with smoked salmon", "Ahirkapı roll with chicken" (traditional "durum"), "cold soup with yogurt", various vegetable and sea-food salads... There are also "light" alternatives of them which has exactly the same taste but were just arranged according to Montignac rules!

Reservation required. Tel: 212- 638 1370-78
Fax: 212- 518 5060
e-mail: info@armadahotel.com.tr and Mr. Can Sengul, The Resident Manager